Thursday, August 25, 2011

More of our home

Our living area on the main floor has shrunk quite a bit, but it feels cozier somehow, and is already being used much more. An old dresser from Lee's side of the family anchors a wall, while the trunk my Great Grandfather used during WWII is our coffee table. I found an old lard bucket on the yard sale trip I took a few weeks ago, and now it is an end table... I love to mix my old and new... mostly old, but it is comfortable!

Our Kitchen is older, and in need of some updating... So this is all I will share for now. A peek in at my new double ovens, and a table my father in law built, he passed away a few years ago, and it is an absolute treasure. We use it daily, and as my kitchen changes it will become my island.

My keeping room... the heart of our home! It is where homework is done, where meals are shared... I love this room! The farm table and bench are from Lee's family, the ice cream chairs are the chairs I sat in growing up with my family the hutch is from my grandfather, and the other things are "new" old things to us, but will be family heirlooms someday!

This is just another view into the living room from the dining room. This table is from my grandfather, with a photo of my grandmother that passed away last year. Simple things fill up the space... for now... until Christmas!

One more view of the dining room... I am ready for fall! The table and long buffet are also from my parents home. All of these things are filled with memories for me, and I hope my children will have many memories made at them as well!

Our Home

So, I started in the dining room... a buffet that belonged to my parents and topped with a curio that has a history long past my Grandmother. The pumpkins are from Target, last years find, and then finished off with some of the Burlap coffee bags I have cut into ribbon. My sister in Law and I did the "World's longest yard sale" a few weeks ago, and those $2 bags are going to be seen a lot around our house!

It is simple... but once the cake plate has some pumkin bread and the table nearby is filled with friends in family... it will be perfect!

Our Move

Well, we have been in Maryville for a little over 10 months now. We have experienced the cold of winter, the warming of spring, the humid heat of summer, and now I must say I am looking forward to the fall our new friends has told us is sure to come.
Our first true football game was last weekend, and what an amazing experience that was! I felt like a kids again, but at the same time watching my oldest son (on youth football) and my middle daughter on the HS dance team experience it was absolute BLISS! We are gearing up for the Cross Country season to begin for our oldest daughter this weekend, so fall in the South is almost here!

We have finally moved into our own little home here in Maryville. It is smaller than our last home in the main living areas, but I can say I have never moved in someplace that felt this much like "home" to me. Both Lee and I grew up in old houses, ones that needed "fixing up" from time to time. Homes that were filled with special things from genrations gone by. Things may not be perfect here yet, and we have many things on our list "to-do"... but it is home... finally!

We couldn't have made this move quite as smothly if it weren't for all our friends here, both new and old. We had people mowing our yard before out mower made it here, planting in flower beds, painting the kids rooms, getting new to us appliances (DOUBLE OVENS!!) put in, and so much more! We have felt very humbled by the outpouring of love. We have met most of our neighbors. Next door is a woman that just celebrated her 90th birthday! She was so sweet to bring the kids cookies on one of our first few nights here.

Well now for the "Blog"... I wanted a spot to write about all of the things that make our little cottage home ours. The things handed down and collected over many years, both found and from family. I also hope to include recipes and ideas that maybe you can use or share... and maybe get some ideas and things from you too!